Category: Microsoft Teams

Quickly understand cortana voice assistant in Teams mobile – Microsoft 365

Cortana voice assistant in Teams


Cortana voice assistant in Teams – Microsoft has planned to offer Cortana voice assistant in the Teams iOS and Android mobile app, which allows users to perform communication, collaboration, and meeting-related tasks by speaking the natural language. At the time of this release, the feature will be enabled only for users in the U.S. Expansion

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Limit in Microsoft Teams: Top 9 Limitations in Microsoft Teams – Office 365

Top 9 Limitations in Microsoft Teams - Office 365


Limit in Microsoft Teams – even though the uses of Microsoft Teams have been growing day by day, however, it has some limitations in the way it works, so we must know those limitations before we adopt to use the teams. Here, in this article, I will show what are the top 5 limitations of

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In 5 steps Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams rapidly

Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams


Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams – as the uses of Microsoft Teams meeting has been growing, we need to learn how effective and best ways we can manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams from Office 365. Key-Highlights: Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams What is meeting settings in Microsoft Teams? How to manage meeting

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How to manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft 365?

How to manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams in office 365


In this “manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams” tutorial, we will learn about how to manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams in Office 365 and what exactly a meeting policy is in Microsoft Teams. Key-Highlights: manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams What is the Meeting policy in Microsoft Teams? How to manage meeting policies in

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How to turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams?

How to turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams?


Turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams – as per the “New Feature: Inline Chat message translation for iOS – [iOS] Teams Mobile On-Demand Chat Translation” June Microsoft 365 Roadmap update – the office 365 administrator can turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams from the Microsoft 365 admin center. So, in this

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How to finish instantly setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ in Microsoft 365 admin center step by step

Finish setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ in Microsoft 365 admin center step by step


In this tutorial, we will learn about how to finish setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ in Microsoft 365 admin center – office 365 step by step. Key-Highlights: Microsoft Teams exploratory setup End of this tutorial, we will learn the below: What is Microsoft Teams exploratory license? Setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ step by step in

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Office 365: Microsoft Teams Remote Assist – remote support

Office 365 - Support remote workers with ‎Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams Remote Assist – During this COVID-19 pandemic in the world – the global industries have been running their businesses remotely and as a communication tool all industries have adopted Microsoft Teams and its popularity has been growing day by day across all sectors and industries. Here, in this article, I will share how

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Top 11 Microsoft Teams Update in 2022

Microsoft Teams Update (releases) in May 2020


Microsoft Teams update (2022) – these days, the use of “Microsoft Teams” is booming due to the global work-from-home trends as the COVID-19 lockdown has been keeping on extending. As of May 02, 2020 news report, “Microsoft Teams Jumps to 75-Million Daily Active Users”. In this article, I will summarize the top 10 Microsoft Teams

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Breaking the Myths: Is SharePoint Being Replaced by Teams? The Real Story

Is SharePoint being replaced by Teams


Is SharePoint being replaced by Teams? I believe in sharing is caring – so, whenever – I get an opportunity to share my knowledge, I do share and through this, I do learn a lot of things as learning has no end. A little background on this question – we run a Facebook group called

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Microsoft Teams save channel conversation: Where do the Microsoft Teams channel conversations and files get saved in Microsoft 365?

Office 365 - Where do the Microsoft Teams channel conversations and files get saved


Microsoft Teams save channel conversation: Where do the Microsoft Teams channel conversations and files get saved? – in my previous article, we have seen what is Microsoft Teams, how to create team in Microsoft Teams?, what is channel and how to add channel in Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint vs Microsoft Teams – understanding the differences.

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