Alert Me Function SharePoint List - A Comprehensive Guide Step by Step

Alert Me Function SharePoint List: A Comprehensive Guide Step by Step

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In this “Alert Me Function SharePoint List” article, we will learn about what the “Alert Me” function is in the SharePoint Online list or document library and how to configure the alert me function in the SharePoint list or document library.

SharePoint, a powerful collaboration platform by Microsoft, offers a plethora of features and functionalities to streamline data management, collaboration, and information sharing within organizations. One significant feature that enhances collaboration and keeps users informed about changes in SharePoint lists is the “Alert Me” function. This feature allows users to set up personalized alerts that notify them of specific changes or updates in a SharePoint list. In this article, we will explore the “Alert Me” function in SharePoint lists in detail, covering its purpose, setup, customization options, and best practices.

Alert Me Function SharePoint List: A Comprehensive Guide

Let us understand the “Alert Me” function below in detail:

Understanding the Purpose of “Alert Me”

In simple terms, the alert me function is a self-service notification in a SharePoint list or document library, and the user of the alert me service would be anyone who has access to the list or document library. The user could be the author, supervisor, or approver of the items or documents. For their ease of maintenance, they can configure the alert to the list or document where they are working, so that if any items get created, the approvers or supervisors can get automatic notification, or the creator can get notification if any changes happen to their documents or items, etc. The use cases could be many, but this is just an example.

The “Alert Me” function in SharePoint serves a crucial purpose: keeping users informed about changes or activities related to a specific list. Users can subscribe to receive alerts via email or text messages based on their preferences. These alerts can be triggered by various list events, such as item additions, modifications, deletions, or even changes to specific list views.

The primary benefits of using the “Alert Me” function include:

  • Real-time Notifications: Users receive prompt notifications about relevant activities happening in the SharePoint list, ensuring timely updates.
  • Efficient Collaboration: Team members can stay informed about changes without continuously monitoring the list, promoting efficient collaboration.
  • Customization Options: Users can tailor the alerts based on their preferences, choosing the events they want to be notified about and the frequency of notifications.

Setting Up “Alert Me” for a SharePoint List

Configuring “Alert Me” for a SharePoint list is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to set up and manage alerts:

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint List: Open the SharePoint list for which you want to set up alerts.
  2. Click on the “Alert Me” Dropdown: Click on the “Alert Me” dropdown menu, usually located in the ribbon or toolbar at the top of the page.
  3. Select “Set alert on this list”: Choose the “Set alert on this list” option from the dropdown menu.
  4. Configure Alert Settings: Configure the alert settings according to your preferences, including the type of changes that trigger the alert, the delivery method (email or SMS), frequency of notifications, and the users to be alerted.
  5. Save the Alert: Click “OK” or “Save” to create the alert and activate it for the specified list.

Customizing “Alert Me” Settings

SharePoint offers customization options to tailor the “Alert Me” function to specific user requirements. Users can customize the following alert settings:

  • Alert Title: Provide a descriptive title for the alert to easily identify its purpose or content.
  • Send Alerts To: Specify the recipients who will receive the alerts. This can include individual users, groups, or distribution lists.
  • Delivery Method: Choose the delivery method for the alert, such as email or SMS, based on user preferences.
  • Change Type: Select the type of list changes that trigger the alert, including additions, updates, deletions, or modifications.
  • Send Alerts For: Define the scope of changes for which alerts will be sent, such as all changes, new items, existing items’ modifications, or when items are deleted.
  • When to Send Alerts: Set the frequency of alerts, such as immediately, daily summary, or weekly summary.

Best Practices for Using “Alert Me”

To make the most of the “Alert Me” function in SharePoint lists, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Customize Alerts Appropriately: Tailor the alert settings based on the criticality of the list and the specific needs of users. Avoid unnecessary alerts to prevent information overload.
  • Educate Users: Provide guidance and training to users on how to set up and manage alerts effectively to stay informed without being overwhelmed.
  • Regularly Review Alerts: Encourage users to periodically review their active alerts and modify or delete outdated or irrelevant alerts to maintain an organized notification system.
  • Leverage Advanced Alerting Features: Explore advanced alerting options provided by SharePoint, such as alert templates, to streamline alert creation and management for multiple lists and users.
  • Monitor and Optimize Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of the “Alert Me” function to ensure timely delivery of notifications and optimize settings for improved efficiency.

Demo: Alert Me in SharePoint List or Document Library

Let us create a sample alert me demo.

Create Alert Me in SharePoint Online List

Navigate to your list where you want to configure an alert.

Click on the three dots next to the “Integrate” menu from the list ribbon menu.

Click on the “Alert me” bell icon.

Alert Me in SharePoint Online List
Alert Me in SharePoint Online List

Then, we will get the “Alert Me” configuration screen.

Alert me when items change in SharePoint Online list

Alert me when items change in SharePoint Online list - Configuration Part 2
Alert me when items change in SharePoint Online list – Configuration

Below are the “Alert Me” configurations:

Alert Title: This is your title for the alert. Enter the title for this alert. This is included in the subject of the notification sent for this alert.

Send Alerts To: The users whom you want to send this alert to. You can enter user names or e-mail addresses. Separate them with semicolons.

Delivery Method: Specify how you want the alerts delivered. There are two options. 1) Email and 2) Text Message (SMS): This needs your mobile number.

Change Type: Specify the type of changes that you want to be alerted to.
Only send me alerts when (the options are below):
  • All changes
  • New items are added
  • Existing items are modified
  • Items are deleted

Send Alerts for These Changes:  Specify whether to filter alerts based on specific criteria. You may also restrict your alerts to only include items that show in a particular view.

Send me an alert when (the options are below):
  • Anything changes
  • Someone else changes an item
  • Someone else changes an item created by me
  • Someone else changes an item last modified by me
When to Send Alerts: Specify how frequently you want to be alerted. (mobile alert is only available for immediately send) – the options are below:
  • Send notification immediately
  • Send a daily summary
  • Send a weekly summary
Then, finally, click on the Ok button.
Once you have created an alert successfully, you will get an email notification about it immediately.
Alert has been created successfully in SharePoint Online List
Alert has been created successfully in SharePoint Online List

Manage Alerts in SharePoint: Manage My Alerts in SharePoint Online List

Using the manage my alerts feature, we can create and update the alert configuration and delete the existing alerts.

To get into the manage my alerts screen, follow this steps:

Navigate to your list where you want to configure an alert.

Click on the three dots next to the “Integrate” menu from the list ribbon menu.

Click on the “Manage my alerts” icon.

Manage my alerts in SharePoint Online list
Manage my alerts in SharePoint Online list


Manage my alerts in SharePoint Online list - Add and Delete Alerts
Manage my alerts in SharePoint Online list – Add and Delete Alerts


  • Alerts are managed at the site level, meaning that from the manage alerts screen, we can see and manage all alerts configured on that site, whether they are in the list or document library.

Now, let us add an item to the list to see whether we are getting any email notifications or not.

Created a test item for alert testing in SharePoint Online list
Created a test item for alert testing in SharePoint Online list

Then, immediately, we can see an email has arrived about this item.

Alert Me Function SharePoint list - Demo
Alert test demo in SharePoint Online List

Alert Me SharePoint: Create Alert Me in SharePoint Online Document Library

The way of creating an alert and the configuration are the same for both the list and document libraries. So, follow the alert creation steps in the list level described above.

Summary: Alert Me Function SharePoint List or Document Library

Thus, in this article, we have learned about what an alert is in the SharePoint Online List and Document Library, how to create an alert, and how to manage alerts effectively in SharePoint Online.

The “Alert Me” function in SharePoint lists is a valuable tool that enhances collaboration and communication by keeping users informed about important updates and changes within a list. Understanding how to set up and customize alerts according to user preferences is key to maximizing the benefits of this feature. By following best practices and leveraging the flexibility provided by “Alert Me,” organizations can ensure efficient information sharing and improved productivity within their SharePoint environments.

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