Location Column in SharePoint Online

Power Automate: SharePoint Online Create Location Column

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In this “SharePoint Online Create Location Column” article, we will learn how to create location type column in SharePoint Online List or Document Library using the Power Automate Flow. Before, getting into the article, we will understand what exactly the Location column in SharePoint Online.

In the era of digital transformation, organizations are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and make data-driven decisions. SharePoint Online, a robust platform within Microsoft 365, has emerged as a powerful tool for achieving these goals. One of its standout features is the Location column, specifically the Geo Location type, which allows users to harness the power of geographic data within SharePoint lists and document libraries. In this SharePoint Online location column article, we will dive deep into the Location column’s capabilities, its numerous benefits, and how organizations can leverage it to enhance productivity and decision-making.

Location Column in SharePoint Online

Let’s get into the Location column understanding in SharePoint Online:

Understanding the Location Column

Before we explore its advantages, let’s first understand what the Location column is and how it works within SharePoint Online. The Location column is a specialized column type designed to capture geographic data, such as latitude and longitude coordinates. It allows users to associate a specific location or place with items in a SharePoint list or document library. This geographical context can be invaluable in a wide range of scenarios, from asset management and field service tracking to event planning and resource allocation.

Key Features of the Location Column

  • Precise Geographic Data Capture: The Location column enables users to pinpoint exact locations on the Earth’s surface, ensuring the accuracy of the data being collected.
  • Integration with Maps: SharePoint Online seamlessly integrates with popular mapping services like Bing Maps, making it easy to visualize and explore the geographical data associated with items in your lists and libraries.
  • Customization: You can configure the Location column to display maps, directions, or simply the coordinates, depending on your specific use case and preferences.
  • Search and Filtering: Leveraging the geographic data stored in Location columns, users can perform powerful searches and filtering operations to retrieve information related to specific locations or areas of interest.
  • Mobile Compatibility: SharePoint Online’s mobile-friendly interface ensures that users can access and update location-based data from anywhere, whether in the office or out in the field.

Benefits and Advantages of the Location Column

Now that we have a solid understanding of what the Location column is and its core features, let’s explore the many benefits and advantages it offers to organizations.

  1. Enhanced Data Accuracy: The Location column ensures that geographic data is recorded with precision, reducing the margin for error. This is particularly valuable in scenarios where location information is critical, such as tracking assets, managing field service activities, or planning events with multiple venues.
  2. Improved Visualization: The integration with mapping services allows users to visualize location data directly within SharePoint Online. This visual representation can aid in decision-making, as it provides a clear overview of where specific items are located or where certain events are taking place.
  3. Efficient Resource Allocation: For organizations involved in field services or logistics, the Location column simplifies resource allocation by providing real-time location data. This allows for optimized routing and scheduling, ultimately reducing operational costs and improving customer satisfaction.
  4. Location-Based Reporting: SharePoint Online’s reporting capabilities can be enhanced with the use of Location columns. Organizations can create insightful reports and dashboards based on geographical data, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  5. Geofencing and Notifications: By defining geofences using Location columns, organizations can trigger automated notifications or workflows when items enter or exit specific geographic areas. This feature can be immensely useful for tracking deliveries, monitoring equipment, or ensuring compliance.
  6. Seamless Collaboration: Collaboration is at the heart of SharePoint Online, and the Location column extends this capability to location-specific tasks. Teams can collaborate more effectively on projects involving multiple locations or assets by centralizing all location data in one accessible place.
  7. Real-Time Updates: Thanks to its mobile compatibility, the Location column allows users to update location data on the go. Field workers can report their current locations, status, and any issues in real-time, ensuring that everyone has access to the latest information.
  8. Customizable Workflows: SharePoint Online’s workflow capabilities can be enhanced with Location columns. Organizations can create workflows that trigger based on location data, automating tasks like sending notifications, generating reports, or updating item statuses.
  9. Improved Customer Engagement: For businesses engaging with customers at physical locations, the Location column can enhance customer experiences. It enables organizations to provide accurate directions, location-specific information, and personalized recommendations.

Real-World Applications

To truly grasp the power of the Location column in SharePoint Online, let’s explore a few real-world applications:

  1. Retail Store Management: Retail chains can use Location columns to track inventory levels at each store, manage stock transfers, and plan promotions based on the geographical data of their stores.
  2. Field Service Management: Field service companies can optimize technician dispatch by using the Location column to identify the nearest available technicians to a service request location.
  3. Event Planning: Event planners can use Location columns to manage venues, coordinate logistics, and create interactive maps for attendees.
  4. Environmental Monitoring: Environmental organizations can monitor and visualize data from various ecological sites using Location columns to ensure data accuracy and support conservation efforts.

To summarize the location column, the Location column in SharePoint Online is a versatile tool with a wide range of benefits and advantages. It empowers organizations to collect, visualize, and leverage geographic data in innovative ways. From improving data accuracy and resource allocation to enhancing collaboration and customer engagement, the Location column opens up numerous possibilities for organizations looking to harness the power of location-based data in their everyday operations. As businesses continue to evolve and embrace digital transformation, incorporating the Location column into SharePoint Online workflows is a strategic move that can drive efficiency, productivity, and informed decision-making.

SharePoint Online Create Location Column using Power Automate

Using the below Power Automate flow, we can create a location type column in a SharePoint Online List or Document Library.

SharePoint Online Create Location Column Using Power Automate Flow
SharePoint Online Create Location Column Using Power Automate Flow

Following are the parameters for the above “Send an HTTP Request to SharePoint” action:

  • Site Address: Your site URL
  • Method: POST
  • Uri: See below
_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Your List Title')/Fields/CreateFieldAsXml
  • Headers: See below
"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8"
  • Body: See below
"SchemaXml":"<Field DisplayName='Location Column Display Name' Format='Dropdown' IsModern='TRUE' Name='LocationColumnInternalName' Title='LocationColumnTitle' Type='Location'></Field>"

Read Also: 

To understand the above Power Automate configuration, we need to read the below articles, which are related to the above action:

Once we execute the above flow, we can see that an Office Location (a location type) column has been created in the list.

SharePoint Online Create Location Column Using Power Automate Flow Demo
SharePoint Online Create Location Column Using Power Automate Flow Demo

Then, we added a test location to the list.

Add Location data in SharePoint List
Add Location data in SharePoint List

Notice that we just added one entry to the location column, but we have so many columns related to the location column in the data. Wondering, how? To get it clarified, let’s go to the section below.

Once we create a location type column, in the background, the other seven columns (City, Coordinates, Country/Region, Name, Postal Code, State, and Street) will be created automatically.

Location column behavior in SharePoint Online
Location column behavior in SharePoint Online

How to create Location Column in SharePoint Online using the site interface?

By now, we have learned how to create a location type column in SharePoint Online using the Power Automate Flow; now we will learn how to create the location type column in SharePoint Online using the site interface or site out-of-the box tool.

Step 1: Click on the “Add column” from the modern SharePoint Online view.

Create location type column in modern SharePoint online view
Create location type column in modern SharePoint online view

Select the column type as “Location”. Click on the “Next” button.

Enter the “Name” of the column, then click on the “Save” button.

Location Type Column - Show linked columns in current view
Location Type Column – Show linked columns in current view


  • Linked columns are discussed above; here we have the flexibility to select what linked columns we can display in the current view.

Location Column Limitation

We can create the location type column only in the modern list experience (modern view) of SharePoint Online; we cannot create it in the classic SharePoint list experience.

For example, if we go to the create column screen from the list setting page, we cannot see the location column type.

Location column type missing in classic SharePoint
Location column type missing in classic SharePoint


  • The location type column is also known as the geolocation column.

Summary: Location Column in SharePoint Online List

Thus, in this article, we have learned about what a location type column is in SharePoint Online and what the real-time benefits of it are. How to create location type columns in SharePoint Online using the Power Automate Flow and site out-of-the box tool.

Creating a Location type column in a SharePoint Online list or Document library is a valuable addition to enhance your data management capabilities. You can achieve this seamlessly by harnessing the power of Power Automate and the Site out-of-the-box tool. To embark on this journey, start by accessing the SharePoint site where your list or library resides.

Through the integration of Power Automate and Site, the Location column will seamlessly capture geographic information, ensuring data accuracy and enabling advanced functionalities such as mapping and geofencing. This dynamic approach empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance collaboration within the SharePoint environment.

Creating a Location type column in SharePoint Online using Power Automate and the Site out-of-the-box tool is a powerful way to enrich your data ecosystem with geographic context, unlocking a myriad of opportunities for smarter, more efficient operations.


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