How to Get Current Weather in Power Automate from MSN Weather Step by Step

How to Get Current Weather in Power Automate from MSN Weather Step by Step

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In this “Get Current Weather in Power Automate from MSN Weather” article, we will learn how to get current weather from MSM Weather for a given location using the Power Automate Flow. Here I will show you the step-by-step process to develop this current weather flow.

In my previous article, I showed how to get the weather forecast summary for the day, and here I will show how to get the weather summary report for the particular current time. Without delay, let’s get started with the actual implementation and demo of the current weather summary using Power Automate Flow.

Get Current Weather in Power Automate from MSN

Let’s follow the below steps to implement the current weather in Power Automate Flow:

Step: Build an instant cloud flow (Create a manually triggered test flow).

Add a manually triggered Power Automate flow. Click on the “My Flows” menu from the left-side panel.

Click on the “Instant cloud flow” template.

Create Instant cloud flow in Power Automate
Create Instant cloud flow in Power Automate

In the “Build an instant cloud flow” screen, enter the flow name and select “Manually trigger this flow” under “Choose how to trigger this flow“, then click on the “Create” button.

Build an instant cloud flow in Power Automate
Build an instant cloud flow in Power Automate

Then, we will have the “manually trigger a flow” trigger ready.

Create a manually trigger flow to get current weather report for a location
Create a manually trigger flow to get current weather report for a location

Step: Add Get Current Weather Action from MSN Weather

Add a “Get current weather” action from the MSN weather section.

Add Get current weather Action from MSN Weather
Add Get current weather Action from MSN Weather

Once we add the “Get current weather” action, we need to configure the below parameters:

  • Location: Enter your location. The valid inputs are city, region, state, country, landmark, postal code, latitude, and longitude.
  • Units: Select imperial for Fahrenheit (°F) or metric for degrees Celsius (°C).

Get current weather action in Power Automate configuration

Get current weather action in Power Automate configuration

Let’s run this flow now. We will see the below outputs:

Get current weather action in Power Automate Output 1

Get current weather action in Power Automate Output 2
Get current weather action in Power Automate Output

Step: Add the Send an email (V2) action to send the weather report email.

Add a “Send an email (V2) or Send an email (V3)” action based on which action works for you to send the weather report, then configure the below parameters in your “Send and email” action:

  • To: Your email ID or group email ID for the larger audiences
  • Subject: Your weather email subject; just copy and paste the below:


Current weather summary for your location: @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/source/location']}
  • Body: Your weather email body; just copy and paste the below using the code view mode:


<p><span style="font-si()</li>>px; font-family:Helvetica;color: rgb(44,130,201)"><strong>Hi - Here is your current (@{utcNow()}) weather summarry:</strong></span></p>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-family:Helvetica">
<li><b>Conditions:</b> @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/weather/current/cap']}</li>
<li><b>Location:</b> @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/source/location']}</li>
<li><b>Temperature:</b> @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/weather/current/temp']}(@{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/units/temperature']})</li>
<li><b>Dewpoint:</b> @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/weather/current/dewPt']}(@{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/units/temperature']})</li>
<li><b>UV Index:</b> @{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/weather/current/uv']}(@{outputs('Get_current_weather')?['body/responses/weather/current/uvDesc']})</li>


This is the complete Get Current Weather Summary email configuration to get the current weather summary for your location in your inbox:

Send email about current weather summary for your location using Power Automate
Send email about current weather summary for your location using Power Automate


Demo Output: Get Current Weather in Power Automate from MSN

Let’s run the flow manually, let it completed successfully.

Get current weather for location flow ran successfully
Get current weather for location flow ran successfully

We can see the current weather summary report email, like below:

Current weather summary email output:

Get current weather for location summary email output
Get current weather for location summary email output

Summary: Get Current Weather Summary in Power Automate from MSN

Thus, in this article, we have learned about how to get current weather using Power Automate flow from MSN and how to use the get current weather action in Power Automate.

See Also: Power Platform Articles

You may also visit the Power Platform article hub, where you will see a bunch of articles focusing on Power Platform, like Power Automate, Power Apps, etc. All the articles are written with real-time project scenarios and troubleshooting techniques.


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