FAQ: SharePoint learning pathways route for a junior developer(SharePoint skills matrix)

SharePoint Learning Pathways: Maximize Your SharePoint Skills from Pros

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SharePoint learning pathways: Welcome to our comprehensive guide on maximizing your SharePoint skills and discovering the incredible benefits of SharePoint Learning Pathways. In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, SharePoint has emerged as a powerful platform for collaboration, document management, and team productivity.

However, harnessing the full potential of SharePoint requires a solid understanding of its features and capabilities. That’s where SharePoint Learning Pathways comes into play. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an experienced user seeking to enhance your expertise, this post will unveil the immense advantages of SharePoint Learning Pathways in empowering you with the knowledge and skills to navigate and leverage SharePoint effectively.

Get ready to embark on a transformative learning journey as we dive into the world of SharePoint and discover how SharePoint Learning Pathways can supercharge your SharePoint skills, boost productivity, and unlock new possibilities for collaboration within your organization.

Recently, on the SharePoint StackExchange Site, one of the community members asked the question, “What might be the correct learning route for a junior developer?” To help my blog visitors, I will describe the answer below:

Key-Highlight: SharePoint learning pathways

  • FAQ: SharePoint learning route for a junior developer(SharePoint skills matrix)

FAQ: SharePoint learning route for a junior developer(SharePoint skills matrix)

FAQ: SharePoint learning route for a junior developer(SharePoint skills matrix)
FAQ: SharePoint learning route for a junior developer(SharePoint skills matrix)

Unlock the Full Potential of SharePoint: A Comprehensive Learning Journey

“SharePoint Learning Pathways” is a program developed by Microsoft to help users maximize their SharePoint skills and knowledge. It’s essentially a customizable, on-demand training solution that provides a wealth of resources, including video tutorials, documents, and other training materials.

To start your SharePoint learning journey, you first need to subscribe to the Microsoft 365 Trial Developer program.

Here’s how you can use SharePoint Learning Pathways to enhance your SharePoint skills:

Access the SharePoint Learning Pathways Site:

Access the SharePoint Learning Pathways site provided by Microsoft. This site is a SharePoint site collection that serves as a starting point for your learning journey.

Explore Learning Paths and Modules:

Navigate through the various learning paths and modules available on the SharePoint Learning Pathways site. These are organized based on different topics and levels of expertise.

Select Relevant Learning Paths:

Choose the learning paths that align with your interests and goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, there are learning paths designed to suit your level.

Engage with Training Materials:

Engage with the training materials within each learning path, such as videos, articles, and other resources. These materials are curated to provide structured learning on specific SharePoint-related topics.

Complete Training Modules and Assessments:

Work through the training modules and assessments provided. Assessments may include quizzes or practical exercises to test your understanding and retention of the material.

Customize for Your Organization:

As an administrator, you have the ability to customize the SharePoint Learning Pathways site to tailor it to the specific needs and context of your organization. You can add custom learning materials, branding, and more.

Encourage Adoption and Usage:

Promote the use of SharePoint Learning Pathways within your organization to encourage continuous learning and skill development among your team members.

Remember, SharePoint Learning Pathways is designed to be a flexible and comprehensive resource to help you and your organization make the most of SharePoint capabilities.

For the most current and detailed information on SharePoint Learning Pathways and to access the latest version, visit the official Microsoft SharePoint Learning Pathways site or consult the latest Microsoft documentation.

Question: What might be the correct learning route for a junior developer? SharePoint learning path

Welcome to the world of SharePoint. You are on the right track, and I am sure you will shine in your SharePoint career. As you said, you already know how to customize SharePoint using CSOM, workflow, etc., and you are well versed in Asp.net, MVC, REST API, and other Dot Net-related stuff. And SharePoint is built on a.net framework; if you have a solid background in.net and some knowledge of SharePoint, you have a good combination that will help you in the long run.

There are two major versions of SharePoint: SharePoint On-premises and SharePoint Online. Both the core concept and purpose of SharePoint are the same, i.e., a collaborative way of document management. Of course, we could do many other things in SharePoint, but document management is the core purpose.

Understand the below concepts of SharePoint: SharePoint concepts for developers and administrators

As SharePoint developers and administrators, we need to understand the following basic concepts of SharePoint:

  • What is a SharePoint farm?
  • How do multiple servers get connected to each other, and what is the role of each server?
  • What is a web application and how does it handle a web request?
  • When to use site collection and when to use the subsite
  • How to handle the custom column through the content type.
  • Various types of lists exist, like a document library, a custom list, etc. In which scenario should we use what type of list?
  • Understand the various features at the site collection level and site level—what is the concept of those?
  • How to handle permissions in SharePoint at a granular level (like from the bottom object like an individual list item, folder, list, library, site, site collection, etc.) is very important.


  • From the list above, three are related to SharePoint on-premise; the rest are all common for both SharePoint on-premise and SharePoint Online.
  • Once your core concept above each SharePoint object is clear – you can easily customise them using any of the coding techniques like – REST API, CSOM, Workflow, JSOM, SPFX, etc – and your dot net background is plus point.
  • Try to create a trial Office 365 account and play around on the SharePoint part, mainly PowerApps, PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow), and some sort of Azure connectivity from SharePoint Online to Azure and Vice versa.
  • Once you are confident about these core concepts, you can propose any type of business solution to the customer based on the scenario and needs. It is not mandatory that one be good enough to write the code while proposing the solution; most customers prefer a codeless solution that is plug-and-play configurable.
  • As you mentioned, you are a bit worried about the custom app development as you don’t have knowledge on it. No, problem. As mentioned, in very few scenarios, people go with a hardcore code-based solution. Most of the business-related apps are easily configurable from the app store, and many custom apps are available on GitHub. In that case, we need to have basic knowledge of the SharePoint SPFx framework so that we can customise as per our needs.
  • As SharePoint is a vast topic, once you start, you will get an idea of where and how to move.
  • If you want to focus on SharePoint Online, then you don’t need to learn SharePoint server-related stuff like Farm, various server roles, web applications, etc.

FAQ: How to learn SharePoint quickly as a fresher

Learning SharePoint quickly as a fresher can be an exciting and rewarding journey. To help you get started on the right path, here is a step-by-step guide:

  • Familiarize Yourself with SharePoint: Begin by understanding the basics of SharePoint, its purpose, and its key features. Explore its various components such as sites, lists, libraries, and web parts to get a holistic view of the platform.
  • Utilize Microsoft Documentation and Resources: Microsoft offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources specifically designed to help users learn SharePoint. Visit the official SharePoint website, access Microsoft’s documentation library, and explore the wealth of resources available to gain a deeper understanding of SharePoint’s functionalities.
  • Set Up a SharePoint Environment: To gain hands-on experience, set up a SharePoint environment. You can create a trial account on SharePoint Online or set up a local development environment using SharePoint Server. This will allow you to practice and experiment with SharePoint features in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Take Online Courses and Training: Enroll in online courses and training programs dedicated to SharePoint. Platforms like Microsoft Learn, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy offer a wide range of SharePoint courses catering to different skill levels. These courses provide structured learning paths, tutorials, and practical exercises to enhance your knowledge and proficiency.
  • Join SharePoint Communities and Forums: Engage with the SharePoint community by joining online forums, user groups, and social media communities dedicated to SharePoint. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and learn from the experiences and insights shared by other SharePoint professionals. This interactive learning approach can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Explore SharePoint Templates and Samples: SharePoint offers a variety of templates and samples that showcase different use cases and functionalities. Explore these templates to understand how SharePoint can be customized and tailored to meet specific business needs. This hands-on exploration will give you a practical understanding of SharePoint’s versatility.
  • Practice Building Sites and Solutions: To reinforce your learning, practice building SharePoint sites and solutions. Start with simple tasks such as creating lists, libraries, and workflows. As you gain confidence, challenge yourself with more complex projects, such as developing custom web parts or integrating SharePoint with other Microsoft 365 services.
  • Stay Updated with SharePoint Updates and Developments: SharePoint continuously evolves, with new features and updates being released regularly. Stay up to date with the latest developments by following official SharePoint blogs, subscribing to newsletters, and attending webinars or conferences. This will ensure that your knowledge remains current and you can leverage the latest capabilities of SharePoint.

Remember, learning SharePoint is an ongoing process. Embrace continuous learning, practice regularly, and actively seek opportunities to apply your knowledge. With dedication and persistence, you will quickly build your SharePoint skills and become proficient in leveraging SharePoint’s capabilities to drive productivity and collaboration in your organization.

SharePoint learning resources: Where can we find the resources to learn SharePoint?

  • Youtube is the best medium to learn any new technology, and also on Google, a lot of resources are available.
  • You may register on the Pluralsight site for the SharePoint course.

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All the best and happy learning!

Reference: SharePoint learning pathways

See Also: SharePoint Online tutorial

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