Beyond ChatGPT - 50 plus Must-Try Free AI Tools and Websites

Beyond ChatGPT: 50+ Must-Try Free AI Tools and Websites

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, enabling machines to perform tasks that were once exclusive to human intelligence. While ChatGPT has garnered significant attention, it represents just a fraction of the vast AI landscape. There is a treasure trove of innovative AI tools and websites available, each offering unique features and capabilities to developers, researchers, and enthusiasts.

In this article, we will delve into the world beyond ChatGPT and explore a curated list of cutting-edge AI tools and websites that are shaping the future. From IBM Watson’s comprehensive AI platform to Google Cloud AI’s suite of services, and from PyTorch’s dynamic deep learning framework to OpenAI Gym’s reinforcement learning toolkit, we will uncover a diverse range of resources that empower individuals and businesses to leverage AI in exciting ways. So, let’s embark on this captivating journey and discover the incredible possibilities that await us in the realm of AI beyond ChatGPT.

Beyond ChatGPT: 50+ Must-Try Free AI Tools and Websites

Following is a list of AI tools other than ChatGPT that we can try out.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson is a comprehensive AI platform offered by IBM. It provides a wide range of tools and services for developing AI-powered applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, and more.

IBM Watson offers a comprehensive AI platform with tools and services for various AI tasks. It provides natural language processing, computer vision, and speech recognition capabilities. IBM Watson has a range of pricing options depending on the specific services and usage. It offers free plans for some services, while others have usage-based pricing or require custom quotes.

URL: IBM Watson

Google Cloud AI

Google Cloud AI offers a suite of AI tools and services that enable developers to build intelligent applications. It includes tools like Cloud Vision API for image recognition, Cloud Speech-to-Text for converting spoken language into written text, and Dialog flow for building conversational agents. Google offers a pricing calculator and detailed documentation for each service.

URLGoogle Cloud

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services provides a set of AI-powered APIs and services that allow developers to add intelligence to their applications. It offers services for speech recognition, language understanding, image recognition, sentiment analysis, and more. Pricing for Azure Cognitive Services is based on the specific services and usage. Microsoft provides a pricing calculator and detailed documentation for each service.

URL: Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

OpenAI Codex

OpenAI Codex is an AI system similar to ChatGPT but designed specifically for code generation. It can be used to assist developers in writing code, providing suggestions, completing code snippets, and more.

As of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021, OpenAI Codex pricing details and licensing information were not publicly available. It’s recommended to visit the OpenAI website for the most up-to-date information.

URL: OpenAI Codex


TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. It provides a wide range of tools and resources for building and deploying machine learning models. TensorFlow supports various AI tasks, including image recognition, natural language processing, and more.

TensorFlow is free and open-source, released under the Apache License 2.0.

URL: TensorFlow


PyTorch is an open-source deep learning framework developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab. It offers a flexible and dynamic approach to building neural networks and is widely used for tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing, and generative models.

PyTorch is free and open-source, released under the modified BSD license.

URL: PyTorch is an open-source platform that provides tools and libraries for machine learning and AI. It offers H2O-3, a distributed machine learning platform, and AutoML, an automated machine learning tool that helps users build models without extensive manual intervention. provides both open-source and commercial versions. The open-source version of H2O-3 is free, while pricing for the commercial version and AutoML is available upon request.


Cognitive Toolkit

The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, also known as CNTK, is a deep learning framework developed by Microsoft. It enables developers to train and deploy deep learning models for various AI tasks, including speech recognition, image classification, and object detection.

CNTK is free and available under the MIT license.

URL: Cognitive Toolkit

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition is a cloud-based image and video analysis service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers capabilities such as object detection, facial analysis, scene understanding, and text recognition to developers for building intelligent applications.

Pricing for Amazon Rekognition is based on the number of images or minutes of video analyzed. Detailed pricing information can be found on the AWS website.

URL: Amazon Rekognition


Clarifai provides an AI platform that specializes in image and video recognition. It offers APIs and SDKs that enable developers to incorporate computer vision capabilities into their applications, including visual search, object detection, and content moderation.

Clarifai offers various pricing plans based on usage, including free plans for limited usage. Detailed pricing information is available on the Clarifai website.

URL: Clarifai


Keras is a popular open-source deep learning framework that is designed to be user-friendly and modular. It provides a high-level API for building and training neural networks and runs on top of other deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Theano.

Keras is free and open-source under the MIT license.

URL: Keras

NVIDIA Deep Learning AI

NVIDIA Deep Learning AI offers a comprehensive set of resources, including courses, tools, and frameworks, to help developers and researchers learn and apply deep learning techniques effectively. It provides courses on topics like deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.

Pricing varies based on the specific resources and services used. For NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) courses, pricing can be found on the DLI website.

URL: NVIDIA Deep Learning AI

Apache MXNet

Apache MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that supports both imperative and symbolic programming styles. It offers a flexible and efficient platform for training and deploying machine learning models across a variety of domains and devices. It provides scalability and flexibility for training and deploying models across domains and devices.

MXNet is free and open-source under the Apache 2.0 license.

URL: Apache MXNet


scikit-learn is a popular Python library for machine learning. It provides a wide range of algorithms and tools for tasks such as classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction. scikit-learn is known for its easy-to-use API and extensive documentation. It offers a wide range of algorithms and tools for tasks like classification, regression, and clustering.

scikit-learn is free and open-source under the permissive BSD license.

URL: scikit-learn


Caffe is a deep learning framework developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center. It is known for its efficiency, speed, and support for convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Caffe is commonly used for image classification and segmentation tasks. It is widely used for image classification and segmentation tasks.

Caffe is free and open-source under the BSD 2-Clause license.

URL: Caffe


AllenNLP is an open-source framework for building and evaluating natural language processing (NLP) models. It provides a collection of pre-built models and tools for tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, question answering, and more. It provides pre-built models and tools for tasks like text classification and question answering.

AllenNLP is free and open-source under the Apache 2.0 license.



The Remini AI tool is used to edit the images. Remini is an AI-powered tool that specializes in enhancing and restoring the quality of photos and images. It offers a range of features and functionalities to improve the clarity, resolution, and overall visual appeal of digital images.

One of the key features of Remini is its advanced AI algorithms that can analyze and process images to enhance their quality. It utilizes deep learning techniques to automatically detect and address various issues in photos, such as blurriness, noise, low resolution, and pixelation. This helps users enhance their images and bring out the hidden details, resulting in more vibrant and visually pleasing results.

Remini also offers features for restoring old or damaged photos. By leveraging its AI capabilities, the tool can help repair and reconstruct damaged or deteriorated images, bringing them back to life. It can address issues like cracks, stains, and faded colors, allowing users to preserve and restore precious memories.

Regarding licensing, the specific licensing details and terms for Remini may vary based on the specific plans and offerings provided by the tool’s developers. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the licensing terms and pricing for Remini, it is recommended to visit the Remini website (if available) or contact the tool’s official support channels. They will provide specific details tailored to your requirements and offer guidance on licensing options and associated costs.

URL: Remini, owned by Facebook, offers a natural language understanding platform that allows developers to build conversational interfaces. It provides tools for extracting meaning from unstructured text, enabling developers to create chatbots, voice assistants, and more. has a free tier for developers, and pricing details for higher usage levels can be found on the pricing page.

URL: is a practical deep learning course and library that emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. It provides high-level abstractions and pre-trained models, making it accessible to beginners while still offering advanced functionality for experienced practitioners. It provides high-level abstractions and pre-trained models for both beginners and advanced users. is free and open-source under the Apache 2.0 license.



AllenAI is an AI research institute that focuses on natural language understanding and reasoning. They develop state-of-the-art models and release them as open-source tools and libraries. Their work spans various domains, including machine reading comprehension and commonsense reasoning. They develop state-of-the-art models and release them as open-source tools and libraries.

AllenAI’s resources, including models and code, are typically available for free under open-source licenses.

URL: AllenAI

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers a comprehensive set of tools for building, training, and deploying machine learning models at scale, with support for popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Pricing for Amazon SageMaker varies based on the specific resources and services used. Details can be found on the AWS SageMaker pricing page.

URL: Amazon SageMaker


Kickresume is an AI-powered tool that empowers individuals to create professional resumes and cover letters with ease. It provides a range of features and functionalities designed to streamline the resume building process and help users stand out in the competitive job market.

One of the key features of Kickresume is its user-friendly interface, which allows users to easily create and customize visually appealing resumes using pre-designed templates. Users can select from a variety of layouts, fonts, and color schemes to create a personalized and professional-looking resume.

Kickresume also offers an AI-powered resume analysis feature. This feature analyzes the content and structure of the resume, providing valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. It helps users optimize their resumes for applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by many employers to screen job applications.

Another notable feature of Kickresume is its cover letter builder. Users can create customized cover letters that complement their resumes, ensuring a cohesive and impactful job application package.

As for the licensing of Kickresume, it offers both free and premium plans. The free plan provides basic access to the tool’s features, allowing users to create and download a limited number of resumes and cover letters. Premium plans offer additional benefits such as unlimited resume and cover letter creation, access to advanced templates, and the ability to export resumes in various formats.

URL: Kickresume


DataRobot is an automated machine learning platform that aims to make machine learning accessible to a wide range of users, from beginners to experts. It provides a user-friendly interface and automated workflows for tasks such as feature engineering, model selection, and deployment. It provides a user-friendly interface and automated workflows for tasks like feature engineering and model selection.

Pricing details for DataRobot can be obtained through contacting their sales team.

URL: DataRobot

Salesforce Einstein

Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered platform integrated into Salesforce’s customer relationship management (CRM) software. It offers features such as personalized recommendations, predictive lead scoring, and automated workflows, empowering businesses to leverage AI in their sales and marketing processes. It offers features like personalized recommendations, predictive lead scoring, and automated workflows.

Pricing for Salesforce Einstein varies based on the specific services and usage. Details can be found on the Salesforce pricing page.

URL: Salesforce Einstein


NVIDIA Jarvis is an AI framework for building conversational AI applications. It provides pre-trained models and tools for tasks such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language understanding (NLU), and text-to-speech (TTS), allowing developers to create voice-enabled applications. It provides pre-trained models and tools for automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language understanding (NLU), and text-to-speech (TTS).

Pricing details for NVIDIA Jarvis can be obtained by contacting NVIDIA’s sales team.



OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source computer vision and machine learning software library. It provides a comprehensive set of functions and algorithms for image and video processing, object detection, facial recognition, and more. It offers a comprehensive set of functions and algorithms for image and video processing, object detection, and facial recognition.

OpenCV is free and open-source under a BSD license.


IBM Watson Studio

IBM Watson Studio is an integrated environment for data science and machine learning. It offers a collaborative workspace where data scientists can access various tools and services, including data preparation, model development, and deployment capabilities. It provides tools and services for data preparation, model development, and deployment.

Pricing for IBM Watson Studio varies based on the specific services and usage. Details can be found on the IBM Watson Studio pricing page.

URL: IBM Watson Studio

Google AutoML

Google AutoML is a suite of machine learning products offered by Google Cloud. It provides a user-friendly interface for training custom machine learning models without extensive knowledge of machine learning algorithms. AutoML supports tasks such as image classification, language processing, and more. It supports tasks like image classification and natural language processing.

Pricing for Google AutoML varies based on the specific products and usage. Details can be found on the Google Cloud AutoML pricing page.

URL: Google AutoML

OpenAI Gym

OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides a collection of environments (simulators) where developers can train and test their reinforcement learning models, making it a valuable resource for AI research and development. It provides a collection of environments (simulators) for training and testing reinforcement learning models.

OpenAI Gym is open-source and free to use under the MIT license.

URL: OpenAI Gym


BigML is a cloud-based machine learning platform that offers a range of tools for building and deploying machine learning models. It provides automated machine learning, anomaly detection, time series forecasting, and other features, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.

BigML offers various pricing plans based on usage, including free plans with limited features. Detailed pricing information can be found on the BigML pricing page.



TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library for training and deploying machine learning models in the browser and on Node.js. It allows developers to run pre-trained models or train new models using JavaScript, enabling AI applications to be built directly in web browsers. It enables developers to run pre-trained models or train new models using JavaScript.

TensorFlow.js is open-source and free to use under the Apache 2.0 license.

URL: TensorFlow.js

OpenAI Gym Retro

OpenAI Gym Retro is an extension of OpenAI Gym that focuses on retro gaming. It allows developers to train reinforcement learning models using classic video games as training environments. Retro supports a variety of game emulators and provides tools for recording and sharing gameplay data. It allows developers to train reinforcement learning models using classic video games as training environments.

OpenAI Gym Retro is open-source and free to use under the MIT license.

URL: OpenAI Gym Retro


Algorithmia is a marketplace for algorithms and functions. It provides a platform where developers can discover, use, and monetize AI algorithms and models. Algorithmia supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, making it easy to integrate AI capabilities into applications. It provides a platform for discovering, using, and monetizing AI algorithms and models.

Pricing for Algorithmia depends on the specific usage and algorithms used. They offer free plans and paid plans with different features and usage limits. Detailed pricing information can be found on the Algorithmia pricing page.

URL: Algorithmia


Aylien offers a range of natural language processing (NLP) APIs and tools for text analysis. Their services include sentiment analysis, entity recognition, summarization, and language detection, allowing developers to extract meaningful insights from unstructured text data.

Pricing for Aylien depends on the specific services and usage. They offer free plans and paid plans with different features and usage limits. Detailed pricing information can be found on the Aylien pricing page.

URL: Aylien

IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding

IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding is a service that uses AI to extract insights from text. It provides capabilities such as entity recognition, sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and concept tagging, enabling developers to analyze and understand text data. It provides capabilities like entity recognition and sentiment analysis.

Pricing for Watson Natural Language Understanding depends on the specific usage. Details can be found on the IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding pricing page.

URL: IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding


MonkeyLearn is a text analysis platform that offers a range of machine learning models and tools for tasks such as sentiment analysis, topic classification, and keyword extraction. It provides an easy-to-use interface and integrations with popular platforms like Excel, Google Sheets, and Zapier.

MonkeyLearn provides both free and paid plans for its services. The pricing for MonkeyLearn is based on the number of queries (texts processed) and the level of customization required. They offer different tiers of pricing plans to accommodate varying usage levels, including a free plan that allows for limited usage.

URL: MonkeyLearn

IBM Watson Discovery

IBM Watson Discovery is a service that helps developers uncover insights from structured and unstructured data. It uses AI-powered search and natural language processing to extract valuable information from documents, enabling users to build powerful search and analytics applications.

As for the licensing and pricing of IBM Watson Discovery, it operates on a usage-based pricing model. The cost is determined by factors such as the number of documents processed, the number of enrichments applied, and the level of support required. IBM offers flexible pricing options tailored to individual customer needs.

URL: IBM Watson Discovery


The “Wordtune” is an AI-powered writing tool that assists users in enhancing their written content. It offers a variety of features to improve the clarity, style, and effectiveness of written communication.

One of the key features of Wordtune is its ability to provide alternative phrasing and suggestions for sentences or paragraphs. Users can input their text, and Wordtune will generate different options to improve the structure, tone, or overall flow of the content. This feature helps users refine their writing and convey their message more effectively.

Wordtune also offers a vocabulary enhancement feature. It can suggest synonyms and more precise word choices to help users express their ideas with greater accuracy and impact. This feature is particularly useful for those looking to expand their vocabulary or achieve a specific writing style.

Additionally, Wordtune provides grammar and punctuation correction suggestions. It can identify and flag grammatical errors or inconsistencies in the text, providing recommendations for improvement. This helps users refine their writing and maintain a polished and professional quality to their content.

URL: Wordtune


OpenAI DALL·E is an AI system that generates images from textual descriptions. It can create unique and highly realistic images based on textual prompts, expanding the possibilities of generative AI in the field of image synthesis and creative applications.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, OpenAI DALL·E is a research project and not a publicly available tool or service. Its availability, licensing, and pricing information may have changed or evolved since then.



NVIDIA Clara is an AI-powered platform for medical imaging and healthcare. It provides tools and frameworks for tasks such as image segmentation, anomaly detection, and clinical workflow optimization. Clara enables healthcare professionals to leverage AI for more accurate diagnostics and treatments.

Regarding the license and pricing for NVIDIA Clara, it’s important to note that NVIDIA Clara is a comprehensive platform that encompasses various components and services. The specific pricing and licensing details may vary depending on the specific components and services chosen, as well as the intended usage and deployment scenario.


OpenAI GPT-2

OpenAI GPT-2 is a language model that builds on the capabilities of ChatGPT. It can generate coherent and contextually relevant text, making it useful for tasks such as text completion, summarization, and creative writing. GPT-2 has been widely adopted for various natural language processing applications.

OpenAI GPT-2 is a language model developed by OpenAI. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, OpenAI GPT-2 is available for public use under an open-source license, specifically the MIT License. This means that the model itself is free to use, modify, and distribute.

However, it’s important to note that while the GPT-2 model is freely available, the underlying infrastructure and computational resources required to run and deploy the model may come with associated costs. These costs can vary depending on factors such as the scale of usage, infrastructure requirements, and any additional services or support offered by OpenAI or other platforms.



Dataiku is a collaborative data science platform that provides tools for data preparation, machine learning, and deployment. It allows teams to work together on data projects and supports a wide range of AI and machine learning techniques for data analysis and predictive modeling.

The licensing and pricing for Dataiku vary based on factors such as the edition, deployment mode, and the number of users and data sources.

Dataiku offers different editions, including a free edition called Dataiku Community Edition, which is designed for small teams and individual users. It allows users to explore the platform’s features and capabilities. For commercial licenses and pricing details, it is recommended to visit the Dataiku website.

URL: Dataiku


CognitiveScale offers an AI-powered platform that focuses on augmented intelligence, helping organizations harness the power of AI in a responsible and explainable manner. Their platform provides tools for data integration, knowledge graph creation, and AI model development.

Regarding the license and pricing for CognitiveScale’s AI tool, it is recommended to reach out to their sales team directly. As pricing models and licensing details can vary based on specific customer requirements and the scope of implementation, CognitiveScale can provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding their pricing structure. They will be able to discuss your organization’s needs and provide you with the most relevant licensing options and associated costs.

URL: CognitiveScale

OpenAI Gym

OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides a collection of environments (simulators) where developers can train and test their reinforcement learning models, making it a valuable resource for AI research and development.

As an open-source project, OpenAI Gym itself is released under the MIT License, which allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the toolkit.

The license for OpenAI Gym covers the core toolkit, but it’s important to note that different environments and libraries within the OpenAI Gym ecosystem may have their own specific licenses and usage terms. When using OpenAI Gym, it’s advisable to review the licensing information associated with any specific environments or additional components you may utilize.

Regarding pricing, OpenAI Gym is generally available for free and does not have a specific pricing structure. However, it’s worth mentioning that while the toolkit is free, you may incur costs associated with training reinforcement learning models or using computational resources to run experiments within the environments provided by OpenAI Gym.

For more information about OpenAI Gym and any specific licensing or pricing considerations, it is recommended to visit the OpenAI Gym website.

URL: OpenAI Gym


NVIDIA Isaac is a platform for developing AI-powered robotics applications. It provides a suite of tools, libraries, and pre-trained models for tasks such as perception, planning, and control. Isaac aims to accelerate the adoption of AI in robotics and autonomous systems.

While the specific license and pricing details for NVIDIA Isaac may have changed since my last knowledge update in September 2021, historically NVIDIA Isaac has been available as a free and open-source platform.

The core components of NVIDIA Isaac, including the Isaac SDK and the Isaac Sim, have been released under open-source licenses. This means that users can access, modify, and distribute the software freely.

It’s important to note that while the core components of NVIDIA Isaac are open-source, additional tools, hardware, or services provided by NVIDIA for integration or support may have separate licensing or pricing structures. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about licensing and pricing for specific NVIDIA Isaac components or services, it is recommended to visit the NVIDIA Isaac website ( or contact the NVIDIA sales team directly. They will be able to provide you with the most relevant and detailed information regarding licensing options, associated costs, and any potential limitations or requirements.



spaCy is an open-source library for natural language processing in Python. It provides efficient and accurate implementations of various NLP algorithms, including tokenization, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing. spaCy is known for its performance and ease of use.

spaCy is released under the MIT License, which means it is free to use, modify, and distribute. The MIT License allows users to utilize spaCy for both personal and commercial projects without any licensing fees or restrictions.

As an open-source library, spaCy itself does not have any specific pricing associated with it. Users can freely download and use spaCy for their NLP tasks without incurring any direct costs.

However, it’s important to note that depending on the specific use case and requirements, there may be additional costs associated with computational resources, training custom models, or utilizing other services or libraries in conjunction with spaCy.

URL: spaCy

Google Cloud Vision API

Google Cloud Vision API enables developers to integrate image analysis capabilities into their applications. It offers features such as label detection, face detection, OCR (optical character recognition), and explicit content detection, allowing developers to extract valuable insights from images.

Regarding the license, the usage of Google Cloud Vision API is subject to Google Cloud’s Terms of Service and the Google Cloud Platform License Agreement. These agreements outline the terms and conditions for using Google Cloud services, including the Vision API.

As for pricing, Google Cloud Vision API operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model. The cost is based on the number of API requests made and the specific features utilized. Google offers detailed pricing information, including the cost per API request and any associated fees, on the Google Cloud Platform Pricing page (

URL: Google Cloud Vision API

Facebook Prophet

Facebook Prophet is an open-source time series forecasting library developed by Facebook’s Core Data Science team. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for fitting and making predictions with time series data, making it accessible to users without a background in forecasting.

Prophet is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, which permits users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software.

As an open-source library, Prophet itself is available at no cost and does not have any licensing fees associated with it. Users can utilize Prophet for their time series forecasting tasks without incurring any direct expenses.

It’s worth noting that while Prophet is open-source, there may be costs associated with the computational resources, data storage, or additional services required to implement and operationalize Prophet models in a production environment. These costs are independent of the Prophet library itself and would depend on the specific infrastructure and services chosen by the user.

URL: Facebook Prophet

Cognitive Services by Microsoft Azure

Cognitive Services by Microsoft Azure is a suite of AI services that enable developers to build intelligent applications without extensive machine learning expertise. It offers APIs and SDKs for tasks such as speech recognition, language understanding, computer vision, and decision-making.

In terms of licensing, the usage of Cognitive Services is subject to Microsoft’s terms and conditions, including the Microsoft Azure Agreement and the specific terms outlined for each service within the Cognitive Services suite. These agreements define the licensing terms for utilizing Microsoft Azure services, including Cognitive Services.

Regarding pricing, Microsoft Azure offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model for Cognitive Services. The cost varies depending on the specific service used, the number of API calls made, and the level of usage. Detailed pricing information can be found on the Microsoft Azure website’s Cognitive Services pricing page (

URL: Cognitive Services by Microsoft Azure

PyTorch Lightning

PyTorch Lightning is a lightweight PyTorch wrapper that simplifies the training and deployment of PyTorch models. It provides a high-level interface with built-in best practices, enabling researchers and engineers to focus on model development rather than boilerplate code and training loops.

PyTorch Lightning is released under the Apache 2.0 license, which is an open-source license that permits users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software. This means that PyTorch Lightning is available for use without any licensing fees.

As for pricing, PyTorch Lightning itself does not have any specific pricing associated with it. It is an open-source project that can be freely downloaded and used by individuals and organizations.

However, it’s important to note that while PyTorch Lightning is free, there may be costs associated with the computational resources, cloud services, or additional infrastructure required to train and deploy PyTorch models using PyTorch Lightning. These costs would be independent of the PyTorch Lightning library itself.

URL: PyTorch Lightning


Writesonic is an AI-powered writing tool that assists users in generating high-quality content quickly and effortlessly. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, Writesonic enables users to create compelling blog posts, social media captions, product descriptions, and more.

One of the standout features of Writesonic is its ability to generate human-like text based on provided prompts or brief descriptions. Users can simply input a few lines of instruction or a topic, and Writesonic will generate coherent and engaging content in various writing styles, tones, and lengths. This saves time and creative energy, making it an invaluable resource for content creators, marketers, and writers.

Writesonic also offers a range of writing templates that users can customize to fit their specific needs. These templates provide a structured framework for creating different types of content, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the writing process.

Additionally, Writesonic provides other useful features, such as an idea generator that helps users brainstorm content topics, a blog post outline generator that creates outlines for blog articles, and a rewriting tool that can paraphrase or rephrase existing text.

URL: Writesonic


This AI tool is used to generate art.

URL: Midjourney


Replit is an online coding platform that provides a collaborative environment for coding, sharing, and deploying software projects. It offers a range of features designed to enhance the coding experience and streamline the development process.

One of the key features of Replit is its cloud-based coding environment. Users can write, test, and debug code directly within their web browser without the need for complex setup or configuration. Replit supports multiple programming languages, including popular ones like Python, JavaScript, and Java, making it versatile for a wide range of projects.

Collaboration is another notable feature of Replit. It allows multiple users to work together in real-time on the same codebase, enabling seamless teamwork and fostering a sense of community. Users can easily share their projects, collaborate on coding exercises, and provide feedback to fellow developers.

Replit also provides built-in version control, making it easy to track changes, revert to previous versions, and collaborate on code with confidence. Additionally, it offers deployment capabilities, allowing users to showcase their projects to the world by deploying them to the web with just a few clicks.

In terms of licensing, Replit provides a freemium model where users can access and use a certain set of features for free. However, there are also premium plans available that unlock additional features and resources, such as increased storage, priority access, and advanced collaboration tools. The pricing and specific features included in each plan can be found on the Replit website.

URL: Replit


Synthesia is an AI-powered video synthesis tool that enables the creation of realistic and personalized videos using synthetic media technology. It offers a range of features designed to simplify the process of generating high-quality video content.

One of the key features of Synthesia is its ability to generate lifelike videos by mapping the movements and expressions of an actor onto a digital avatar or character. This technology allows users to create videos in multiple languages, with various voices and expressions, making it ideal for applications such as localized marketing campaigns, e-learning, and personalized customer communication.

Synthesia also provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. With just a few simple steps, users can script, customize, and generate videos efficiently, saving time and resources.

Another notable feature of Synthesia is its extensive library of digital avatars and backgrounds, allowing users to create diverse and visually appealing videos. The platform also supports the integration of custom avatars, enabling users to maintain brand consistency or create unique characters for their videos.

Regarding licensing, Synthesia operates on a subscription-based model. Users can choose from different pricing tiers that offer varying features, usage limits, and video quality options. The specific pricing details and plans can be found on the Synthesia website.

URL: Synthesia


This AI tool is used to generate music (Royalty-free music, AI generated for you).

URL: Soundraw


This AI tool is used to generate the TikTok videos (Video creation made 10x simpler & faster with AI).

URL: Fliki

Slides AI

This AI tool is used to generate PowerPoint presentations (ppt).

URL: Slides AI


This AI tool is used to create and edit the videos.

URL: Pictory


This AI tool is used to create the avatars (Create Your Avatar with AI Generate 100’s of personalized AI Generated Avatars in three simple steps).

URL: Starrytars

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