Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook

Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook – set up your Team with Microsoft 365 recommendations

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Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook - set up your Team with Microsoft 365 recommendations
Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook – set up your Team with Microsoft 365 recommendations
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  • Description

In this “Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook – set up your Team with Microsoft 365 recommendations” you will learn a lot about Microsoft Teams. The use of Microsoft Teams has increased a lot, especially since COVID-19. This book has covered how quickly you can set up your Teams with the Microsoft standard. You can refer to this as a manual while you create and manage your Teams – the cost is nominal. It has 132 pages. Each chapter’s details are given below:

Buy Microsoft Teams Administration eBook: Chapter Details

Chapter 1: Getting started with Microsoft Teams. 11

Introduction – What is Microsoft Teams?. 11

Key features of Microsoft Teams: 11

Chapter 2: How to configure Microsoft Teams from Microsoft 365 admin Center?. 12

Chapter 3: How to create a Team in Microsoft Teams in step by step. 18

How to manage the team from Microsoft Teams?. 25

Chapter 4: What happens in SharePoint Online when we create a Team in Microsoft Teams?. 26

Metadata available for Microsoft Teams in the SharePoint Online Admin Center 27

Chapter 5: What happens in Microsoft 365 when we create Teams in Microsoft Teams?. 29

Should we restrict to create Teams in Microsoft Teams?. 31

Manage who can create Office 365 Groups. 31

Chapter 6: Steps to Add Channel in Microsoft Teams. 33

What is teams in Microsoft Teams?. 33

What is the channel in Microsoft Teams?. 33

Step by step process to add a channel in the Microsoft Teams: 34

SharePoint Team Site and Channel Integration. 38

Chapter 7: SharePoint vs Microsoft Teams – Business use cases. 39

Microsoft Teams vs SharePoint 39

Advantages of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint integration. 40

A real-time example of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint integration. 41

Chapter 8: Where do the Microsoft Teams channel conversations and files get saved?. 42

Where does the Microsoft Teams channel conversation get saved?. 43

Where do the Microsoft Teams channel files get saved?. 44

The connection between Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. 46

File storage in Microsoft Teams. 47

SharePoint vs Teams vs OneDrive vs Groups. 48

Chapter 8: Support remote workers with ‎Microsoft Teams‎ – Guest Access. 49

How do support remote workers with ‎Teams?. 49

How to check the setup status for new Teams users?. 50

What is guest access in Microsoft Teams?. 51

How to enable guest access in Microsoft Teams?. 51

Support remote workers with ‎Teams‎ – verify the status in Microsoft 365 admin center 53

Chapter 9: Setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ step by step. 54

What is Microsoft Teams exploratory license?. 54

Finish setting up ‎Microsoft Teams Exploratory‎ steps. 54

Add Domain – Your domain represents your organization online. 55

Add users and assign licenses in Microsoft 365 admin center 57

Activate records in domain registration. 58

Share Microsoft Teams – Help people use ‎Microsoft Teams‎ 58

Your new subscription includes ‎Microsoft Teams‎, your shared workspace where team members can chat, meet online, and collaborate on files from any device. 58

Meet and chat from anywhere. 59

Connect with your customers. 59

Store and share files. 59

Microsoft Teams setup is complete status message Microsoft 365 admin center 60

Chapter 10: Turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams. 61

What are messaging policies in Microsoft Teams?. 61

What is inline message translation in Microsoft Teams?. 62

How to turn on inline message translation in Microsoft Teams?. 62

Turn on inline message translation using the PowerShell command. 62

Turn on inline message translation using the Microsoft Teams admin center 62

Example of inline message translation feature. 64

Chapter 11: Manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams. 66

What is the Meeting policy in Microsoft Teams?. 67

How to manage meeting policies in Microsoft Teams in Office 365?. 67

Meeting policy in Microsoft Teams from Microsoft Teams admin center 68

Default meeting policies in Microsoft Teams admin center 69

Edit default meeting policy settings in Microsoft Teams admin center 69

Content Sharing and Participants & guests configuration in meeting policies. 70

How to add a new meeting policy in Microsoft Teams. 71

How to use the Get-CsOnlineUser PowerShell command in Microsoft 365?. 74

Apply meeting policies to teams user using Powershell 76

Apply meeting policies to all teams user using Powershell 76

Fix the “the term ‘get-csteamsmeetingpolicy’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet” 76

Chapter 12: Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams. 77

What are meeting settings in Microsoft Teams?. 77

How to manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams?. 77

Microsoft Teams meeting options. 78

Participants in Microsoft Teams. 78

Email invitation in Microsoft Teams. 78

Email invite preview in Microsoft Teams Meeting. 79

Network configuration in Microsoft Teams meeting settings. 80

Live events policies in Microsoft Teams. 81

Chapter 13: Limitations in Microsoft Teams. 82

Limitations in Teams and channels. 82

Limitations in Microsoft Teams Messaging. 84

Limitation in Microsoft Teams Emailing a channel 85

Character limitation in teams channel naming. 86

Limitations in Teams Meetings and calls. 86

Limitation in Teams Meeting Expiration. 88

Limitations in Teams live events. 89

Limitations in Teams Tags. 89

Limitation in Browser – supported browser in Teams. 90

What is the maximum limit in terms of the active speaker in Microsoft Teams Video Calls?. 92

What is the maximum limit in Teams Meeting participants for audio/video meetings?. 92

Chapter 14: Manage Live Events Policies and Live Events Settings in Microsoft Teams. 93

What are Live events policies in Teams?. 93

How to manage Live events policies in Teams?. 93

How to add a live event policy in Teams?. 94

Live events policies \add parameters: 96

Who can join scheduled live events – options: 96

Who can record an event – options: 96

What lets you do, using live events settings in Microsoft Teams?. 97

How to manage live events settings in Microsoft Teams?. 97

Chapter 15: Manage apps in Microsoft Teams. 98

Manage apps in Microsoft Teams. 98

How to view apps in your tenant app catalog in Microsoft Teams?. 99

App statuses in Microsoft Teams app store. 100

How to upload your custom app in Microsoft Teams. 100

How to allow the app to be available for users in the Teams App store?. 101

How to block the app to be available for users in the Teams App store?. 101

How to manage the Org-wide app settings in Teams?. 102

Third-party apps configuration in Teams. 104

Custom apps deployment and configuration in Teams. 104

Chapter 16: How to set up a home site in SharePoint Online using PowerShell?. 105

Introduction to home site app in SharePoint Online. 105

Features or capabilities of Home Site in SharePoint Online. 105

Set up a home site for your organization using the PowerShell script 106

SharePoint home site example – Demo. 108

Chapter 17: Configure SharePoint Online home site app in Microsoft Teams step by step. 109

Prerequisites: Configure SharePoint Online home site app. 109

A step-by-step guide to setting up Viva Connections desktop in Microsoft Teams. 110

Download the Viva Connections for desktop PowerShell script 111

Create a Viva Connections app package in PowerShell 116

Upload the Viva Connections desktop package in the Teams Admin Center 117

Chapter 18: Handle Guest access securely in Teams Collaboration. 122

Chapter 19: Microsoft Recommended best practices for organizing your Teams. 126

Add teams gradually – don’t create all teams at a time. 126

Create channels only to focus discussions. 127

Use the General channel wherever possible fit 127

Good to setting up moderation in your channels – reduce the overhead of Team Owners. 127

Use Teams Provisioning Technique – Never Allow creating Teams Manually. 127

How to disable Self-Service Teams Creation in Microsoft Teams using PowerShell 129

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