How to create modern team site in SharePoint Online, Should we create a team site or communication site?

Team site vs Communication site? Should we create team site or communication site in SharePoint Online – O365?

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Team site vs communication site: In this tutorial, we will learn about what a modern team site in SharePoint is, what a communication site in SharePoint Online is, and what the difference is between a team site and a communication site in SharePoint Online. Then we will learn about how to create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell and how to create a communication site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell.

Microsoft integrated SharePoint Team Sites with Office 365 Groups in August 2016. This modern team site with pages, lists, libraries, and team news, with the help of Office 365 groups, can collaborate, communicate, and coordinate with each other.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online?

  • What is a modern team site in SharePoint online?
  • What is a communication site in SharePoint online?
  • When should we use a team site or communication site template?
  • Create a modern team site SharePoint online – manually
  • Prerequisites – Install PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online
  • Create a modern team site using PnP PowerShell
  • New-PnPSite – create a modern SharePoint online site:
  • Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell:
  • Other parameters in creating a modern team site – New-PnPSite:
  • How to create a SharePoint communication site?
  • Create a communication site in SharePoint online, using PnP PowerShell: Script execution
  • Create a communication site in SharePoint online – PnP PowerShell:
  • Other parameters in creating a communication site – New-PnPSite:

What is a modern team site in SharePoint Online (Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online)?

A SharePoint team site is a great place to share content, information, and apps between you and your team members. It provides a very well-designed box home page web part, allowing users to easily navigate to their respective areas of work from the home page.

Web parts available on the modern team site home page:

  • News
  • Quick Links
  • Activity
  • Documents

What is a communication site in SharePoint Online (Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online)?

A SharePoint communication site is a great place to share information with others. You can share news, reports, statuses, and other information in a visually compelling format.

Web parts available on the communication site home page:

  • News
  • Events
  • Documents

When should we use a team site or communication site template (Team site Vs Communication site SharePoint Online)?

As far as we know, the modern SharePoint Online provides only two templates:

  1. Team Site and
  2. Communication Site

So, in which scenarios should we select which?There is no straight answer for this, as both have their own needs and scope in the business. But as a general rule of thumb, we can set the rule so that if the audiences of the site are supposed to be larger than its contributions, then we can go with the communication site.

For example, if we want to market any product for the sales team, we can go with the communication site; in fact, the company’s main website is also something we can design using the communication site template. Because this type of site does not require frequent updates, some dedicated individuals will update the site’s content on a regular basis.The bottom line is that we can think of a communication site as a public-facing site, and that is the reason we don’t see quick launch navigation as it needs more content areas to display.

On the other hand, the team site is used for the team, where a group of people will contribute to the site, but the audiences of the sites are less as compared to the communication site; mainly, it is used for the internal team of the company, where multiple people collaboratively work with each other but are exposed only to a small group of people. Actually, the meaning of collaboration in SharePoint comes to reality through the team site.

Create a modern team site SharePoint online – manually (Team site Vs Communication site in SharePoint Online)

Here, we will learn about how to manually create a modern team site in SharePoint Online.

Login to your SharePoint Online root site like below:


Click on the app launcher button from the left panel, then click on “SharePoint”.

Team site or Communication site in SPO, SharePoint online app launcher : Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

Then, we’ll land on this page:


Click on the “+ Create site” button.

Team site or Communication site in SPO, SharePoint online create Site: Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

Then, we’ll be presented with two templates:

  • Team site
  • Communication site

Click on the “Team Site” template.

SharePoint online create site template selection : Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

Enter the below:

  • Site Name(mandatory) – any meaningful text.
  • Site description(optional) – any meaningful text.

Keep other settings as is and click on the “Next” button.

Team site or Communication site in SPO, Site Name: Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

We’ll be landing on the below page with the following two boxes:

  • Add more owners (optional): To add more site owners to the site.
  • Add members (optional): To add members to the site

Click on the “Finish” button.

Team site or Communication site in SPO, Site Group owners: Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

Finally, we can see that a new modern team site has been created, like the below landing page, with so many out-of-the-box web parts.

Team site or Communication site in SPO, home site look and and feel: Create modern team site in SharePoint Online
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online

By now, we have learned how to manually create a modern team site in SharePoint online. Now, we will learn how to create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell.

Prerequisites – Install PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online (Team site Vs Communication site in SharePoint Online)

In order to execute the PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online, we need to install the PnP PowerShell in SharePoint Online. For the installation, please refer to my previous article Office 365: Getting started with SharePoint PnP PowerShell – installation

Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP Powershell(Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online):

How to create modern team site in SharePoint online, script execution: Create modern team site in SharePoint online using PnP PowerShell
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell

New-PnPSite – create a modern SharePoint online site(how to create a modern team site in SharePoint Online):

Using the “New-PnPSite” command, we can create a modern team site and communication site in SharePoint Online. The New-PnPSite cmdlet creates a new site collection for the current tenant. Currently, only “modern” sites like the Communication Site and the Modern Team Site are supported. If you want to create a classic site, use New-PnP-TenantSite.

Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell (Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online):

Using the below PnP PowerShell script we can create a modern team site in SharePoint Online.

#The below script will create a modern team and communication site in SharePoint online using PnP

$userName = ""
$passWord = "YourSPOOnlinePassword"
$encPassWord = convertto-securestring -String $passWord -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $userName, $encPassWord
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Credentials $cred

#######################The below command will create a modern team site in SharePoint Online###########################
New-PnPSite -Type TeamSite -Title 'Modern Team Site Test 2 - created by PnP' -Alias "ModernTeamSiteTestByPnP" -IsPublic
Write-Host "The modern team site has been created successfully."


After executing the above modern team site creation using the PnP script, if we navigate to “,” which was created through the PnP script, we can see the below modern SharePoint online site.

How to create modern team site in SharePoint online, modern site created by PnP: Create modern team site in SharePoint online using PnP PowerShell
Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell

Other parameters in creating a modern team site – New-PnPSite (how to create modern team site in SharePoint Online): Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online

New-PnPSite -Type TeamSite -Title 'Team Contoso' -Alias contoso -IsPublic

This will create a new Modern Team Site collection with the title ‘Team Contoso’ and the URL ‘’ or ‘’ based on the managed path configuration in the SharePoint Online Admin portal and sets the site to the public.

New-PnPSite -Type TeamSite -Title 'Team Contoso' -Alias contoso -Lcid 1040

Based on the managed path configuration in the SharePoint Online Admin portal, this will create a new Modern Team Site collection with the title “Team Contoso” and the URL “” or “,” and set the site’s default language to Italian.

How to create a SharePoint communication site (Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online)?

The steps for creating a communication site in SharePoint Online are the same as those for creating a modern team site, which we saw in the previous step; we just need to select the “Communication site” template instead of “Team site” in the “Create a site” template selection page, as shown below:

How to create modern team site in SharePoint online, site template selection: Create a communication site in SharePoint Online
Create a communication site in SharePoint Online

In the next screen provide the “Site name” and “Site description(optional)”, then click on the “Finish” button.

How to create modern team site in SharePoint Online, site name and description: Create a communication site in SharePoint Online
Create a communication site in SharePoint Online

On the next screen, we can see that a new communication site just has been created.

Team site Vs Communication site - how to create modern team site in SharePoint Online, communication site home page look and feel: Create a communication site in SharePoint Online
Create a communication site in SharePoint Online

Create a communication site in SharePoint online using PnP PowerShell: Script execution (Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online)

Using the below PnP PowerShell script we can create a communication site in SharePoint Online.

How to create modern team site in SharePoint online, script execution test: Create a communication site in SharePoint Online using Pnp PowerShell
Create a communication site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell

Create a communication site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell (Team site Vs Communication site in SharePoint Online):

Using the below PnP PowerShell script we can create a communication site in SharePoint Online.

#The below script will create a modern team and communication site in SharePoint online using PnP

$userName = ""
$passWord = "YourSPOPassword"
$encPassWord = convertto-securestring -String $passWord -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $userName, $encPassWord
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" -Credentials $cred

#######################The below command will create a modern team site in SharePoint Online###########################
#New-PnPSite -Type TeamSite -Title 'Modern Team Site Test 2 - created by PnP' -Alias "ModernTeamSiteTestByPnP" -IsPublic
#Write-Host "The modern team site has been created successfully."

#######################The below command will create a communication site in SharePoint Online###########################
New-PnPSite -Type CommunicationSite -Title 'Communication Site Test 2 - created by PnP' -Url "" -SiteDesign "Showcase"
Write-Host "The communication site has been created successfully."


  • Topic to share information such as news, events, and other content.
  • Showcase to use photos or images to showcase a product, team, or event.
  • Blank to create your own design.

Other parameters in creating a communication site – New-PnPSite (how to create a modern team site in SharePoint Online): Team site or Communication site in SharePoint Online

New-PnPSite -Type CommunicationSite -Title Contoso -Url -SiteDesignId ae2349d5-97d6-4440-94d1-6516b72449ac

This will create a new Communications Site collection with the title ‘Contoso’ and the URL ‘’. It will use the specified custom site design for the site.

New-PnPSite -Type CommunicationSite -Title Contoso -Url -Classification "HBI"

This will create a new Communications Site collection with the title ‘Contoso’ and the url ‘’. The classification for the site will be set to “HBI”

New-PnPSite -Type CommunicationSite -Title Contoso -Url -ShareByEmailEnabled

This will create a new Communications Site collection with the title ‘Contoso’ and the URL ‘’. Allows owners to invite users outside of the organization.

New-PnPSite -Type CommunicationSite -Title Contoso -Url -Lcid 1040

This will create a new Communications Site collection with the title ‘Contoso’ and the URL ‘’ and set the default language to Italian.

Summary: Should we create Team site or Communication site (Team site Vs Communication site in SharePoint Online)?

Hence, in this article, we have learned about the below topics with respect to SharePoint online modern team and communication site creation:

  • What is a modern team site in SharePoint online?
  • What is a communication site in SharePoint online?
  • Create a modern team site SharePoint online – manually
  • Prerequisites – Install PnP PowerShell in SharePoint online
  • Create a modern team site using PnP Powershell
  • New-PnPSite – create a modern SharePoint online site:
  • Create a modern team site in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell:
  • Other parameters in creating a modern team site – New-PnPSite:
  • How to create a SharePoint communication site?
  • Create a communication site in SharePoint online, using PnP PowerShell: Script execution
  • Create a communication site in SharePoint online – PnP PowerShell:
  • Other parameters in creating a communication site – New-PnPSite:
  • How to create a modern team site in SharePoint online programmatically using PnP.
  • How to create a communication site in SharePoint online programmatically using PnP.
  • Difference between team site and communication site in SharePoint Online.

See Also: SharePoint Online tutorial (Team site Vs Communication site in SharePoint Online)

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