Tag: Environment in Power Platform

Create DLP Policy in Office 365 for Power Power Platform: How to Create Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

Create DLP Policy in Office 365 for Power Platform - Safeguard Your Organization's Data From Unauthorised Access


In this “Create DLP Policy in Office 365” article, we will learn about how to create a DLP policy for Power Platform in Office 365, what a DLP policy is in Power Platform, and how to create a DLP policy for your Power Platform environment to safeguard your organisation’s data from unauthorised access. I will

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Sandbox vs Production Environment in Power Platform: Unleashing the Power of Choice

Sandbox vs Production Environment in Power Platform


In this “Sandbox vs Production Environment in Power Platform” article, we will understand what a sandbox and production environment are in Power Platform. In traditional software development on an on-premise environment, we have a development server, a testing server, a staging server, a production server, etc.; similarly, Power Platform provides the feature to create a

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