Tag: Compare groups in Office 365

SharePoint Online: Discover private vs public office 365 groups in SharePoint online site security

SharePoint Online: private vs public office 365 groups in SharePoint online site


Discover private vs public office 365 groups on SharePoint online site – when we create a SharePoint modern team site, we can see the “Private group” or “Public group” tag beneath the site name (example below). In this article, I will explain what these are “Private groups” or “Public groups” are in the modern SharePoint

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Instantly compare security groups in Office 365: Office 365 groups vs distribution lists vs Mail-enabled security vs Security

Security groups in office 365


In this article, we will learn about security groups in office 365 – Office 365 groups vs distribution lists vs Mail-enabled security vs Security.  Let’s say my requirement is to send the email to the group and assign that group in SharePoint permission. You have asked your AD team to create the group and that group has been synchronized to

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